“- Was it me that you wanted to see, or Edna?

- I made a silly mitstake… I thought you were wearing the silver belt.”

“The Last Tycoon”

directed by Elia Kazan (1976)

   Founded after years of expertise in the feature film international sales and production business (2 Oscars Nominations, 6 Oscars Shortlists, 3 Official competitions in Cannes, 1 Golden Bear...), SILVERBELT FILMS is a European international sales & production company dedicated to short films with a unique voice

   The company only handles the sales of a limited amount of films per year, picked with the heart, in order to fully work on their potential, and to make them seen by the audience they deserve across the globe.

    Over the last year 2023, we had our films premiering in such prestigious festivals as Cannes, Sundance or Palm Springs, among others.

   At SILVERBELT FILMS we also care a lot about long time and trustful relationships with the teams of our films. One of our goal being to bring them the expertise gathered during these many years in the international market. Especially in an environment of constant evolutions among the film industry, whether it’s for short or feature films.